Purchase connector

Used to validate and report in-app purchase and subscription revenue events


The AppsFlyer ROI360 purchase connector is used to validate and report in-app purchase and subscription revenue events. It’s part of the ROI360 in-app purchase and subscription revenue measurement solution.

  • Using the purchase connector requires an ROI360 subscription.
  • If you use this in-app purchase and subscription revenue measurement solution, you shouldn’t send in-app purchase events with revenue or execute validateAndLogInAppPurchase, as doing so results in duplicate revenue being reported.
  • Before implementing the purchase connector, the ROI360 in-app purchase and subscription revenue measurement needs to be integrated with Google Play and the App Store. See instructions (steps 1 and 2)

Необходимые условия

  • StoreKit SDK v1
  • iOS version 9 and higher.
  • Unity AppsFlyer plugin 6.12.2 and higher.
  • Unity version 2020.3 and higher.
  • Google Billing Play version 5.x.x and 6.x.x and 7.x.x

To use the module with earlier Unity AppsFlyer plugin versions, check the previous versions of this module, for instance, v1.0.0 supports versions 6.8.1 and higher.

Adding The Connector To Your Project

  1. Clone / download Purchase Connector repository.
  2. Import appsflyer-unity-purchase-connector-x.x.x.unitypackage into your Unity project.
    • Go to Assets >> Import Package >> Custom Package
    • Select appsflyer-unity-adrepurchase-connector-x.x.x.unitypackage.

Note: You must have the AppsFlyer Unity plugin already in your project. In addition, make sure to init AppsFlyer SDK before Purchase Connector.

ProGuard Rules

Android Only - If you are using ProGuard, add the following keep rules to your proguard-rules.pro file:

-keep class com.appsflyer.** { *; }
-keep class kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics{ *; }
-keep class kotlin.collections.**{ *; }
-keep class kotlin.Result$Companion { *; }

Strict Mode

The module supports a Strict Mode which completely removes the IDFA collection functionality and AdSupport framework dependencies. Use the Strict Mode when developing apps for kids, for example.
Make sure to use strict mode module with AppsFlyer Unity strict mode plugin.

Basic Integration

Note: before the implementation of the Purchase connector, please make sure to set up AppsFlyer appId and devKey

Set up Purchase Connector


  • The AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.init api initialized the connector for both iOS and Android. However, the store parameter is only for Android stores.
  • You only need to call the API AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.init once with the android store as parameter and it will work for both platforms.
  • For now, the only Android store available is Google.
    using AppsFlyerSDK;
    using AppsFlyerConnector;

// Default SDK Implementation
   AppsFlyer.initSDK(devKey, appID, getConversionData ? this : null);

// Purchase connector implementation 
    AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.init(this, AppsFlyerConnector.Store.GOOGLE);
    AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.setAutoLogPurchaseRevenue(AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptions.AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptionsAutoRenewableSubscriptions, AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptions.AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptionsInAppPurchases);

Log Auto-Renewable Subscriptions and In-App Purchases

Enables automatic logging of In-App purchases and Auto-renewable subscriptions.

AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.setAutoLogPurchaseRevenue(AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptions.AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptionsAutoRenewableSubscriptions, AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptions.AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptionsInAppPurchases);

Note: if autoLogPurchaseRevenue has not been set, it is disabled by default. The value is an option set, so you can choose what kind of user purchases you want to observe.

Get purchase validation callback

  • In order to receive purchase validation event callbacks, you should conform to the purchase validation listener and implement the callback
/*  ... */

public void didReceivePurchaseRevenueValidationInfo(string validationInfo)
    AppsFlyer.AFLog("didReceivePurchaseRevenueValidationInfo", validationInfo);
    // deserialize the string as a dictionnary, easy to manipulate
    Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = AFMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(validationInfo) as Dictionary<string, object>;

    // if the platform is Android, you can create an object from the dictionnary 
    if (dictionary.ContainsKey("productPurchase") && dictionary["productPurchase"] != null)
            // Create an object from the JSON string.
            InAppPurchaseValidationResult iapObject = JsonUtility.FromJson<InAppPurchaseValidationResult>(validationInfo);
    } elif (dictionary.ContainsKey("subscriptionPurchase") && dictionary["subscriptionPurchase"] != null) {
            SubscriptionValidationResult iapObject = JsonUtility.FromJson<SubscriptionValidationResult>(validationInfo);


Start Observing Transactions

startObservingTransactions should be called to start observing transactions.


Stop Observing Transactions

To stop observing transactions, you need to call stopObservingTransactions.


Note: if you called stopObservingTransactions API, you should set autoLogPurchaseRevenue value before you call startObservingTransactions next time.
Note: The Purchase Connector for Unity currently does not support adding Custom Parameters to purchase events

Testing the implementation in Sandbox

To set the sandbox environnment, you need to set isSandbox to true.

For iOS, it will allow you to test in Xcode environment on a real device with TestFlight sandbox account.

And for Android, it should be used while testing your Google Play Billing Library integration.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Before releasing your app to production please be sure to remove isSandbox or set it to false. If the production purchase event will be sent in sandbox mode, your event will not be validated properly!

Full Code Example

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using AppsFlyerSDK;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using AppsFlyerConnector;

void Start()
        AppsFlyer.initSDK(devKey, appID, getConversionData ? this : null);
        AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.init(this, AppsFlyerConnector.Store.GOOGLE);
        AppsFlyerPurchaseConnector.setAutoLogPurchaseRevenue(AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptions.AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptionsAutoRenewableSubscriptions, AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptions.AppsFlyerAutoLogPurchaseRevenueOptionsInAppPurchases);

  public void didReceivePurchaseRevenueValidationInfo(string validationInfo)
        AppsFlyer.AFLog("didReceivePurchaseRevenueValidationInfo", validationInfo);